T’was the night before fitness and all through the gym, not a machine was available, the pickings were slim. The lines were 5 deep by the treadmills they wait, in hopes that their abs one day will look great. And Jane in her tights and I in my sweats, have just settled down to a long wait for more sets. When out near the Beach there arose such a clatter, I sprang from my bench press to see what was the matter. Away to Lumina Commons I flew like a flash. At “The Crest Fitness Club” I arrived with my cash. With the moon on “The Crest” of a new breaking wave, gave the luster of fitness to each member that day. When what to my wandering eyes should appear, but a limited membership with no lines to fear. With a little old trainer, so lively and quick, I knew in a moment it must be Fit Nick. More rapid than eagles his fit programs they came. “Results begin when you do,” he has always proclaimed. Now first set, now second set, now third set we go. It’s back to the basics, this everyone should know. To the top of your goals! To the top of them all!! Now pounds away! Pounds away! Pounds away all!! As body fat will fall before the next hurricane does call. When they met with an obstacle the members did call. So back to his office for fit programs they flew, Phuzajuice Smoothies and Fit Nicholas too. And then in a twinkle, I heard from the weight room, the light dropping of dumbbells, but never a boom. As I finished my warm-up on the treadmill I was, Fit Nick had my program to work me out as he loves. He was dressed all in Fit clothes from his head to his foot, and he murmured encouragement with each step I took. A change to my program he recommended that day. If I want to reach my goals it’s no time for play. His eyes-how they twinkled, his dimples how merry! His body was sculpted, his muscles so many. The stump of a smoothie straw he held tight in his teeth. He eats every 3 hours so he doesn’t get weak. He has broad shoulders and a chest like a shelf, that shook when he laughed, what a mighty strong elf. And now to all gym members of old, Fit Nick’s at the Beach, forget what you were told. He sprang to the Crest Beetle to his team of trainers gave a whistle, and away they rode like the down of a thistle. But I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight Crest Fitness to all, and to all a fit life!