I know you’ve all heard me tell you this time after time after time, but I’m hoping my sage advice will really stick this time. Before you embark to improve your health and physical condition I am going to give you a lesson on what to look for, and on how to...
OK gang, it’s that time of the year again and you are wondering what you can do to enjoy your Thanksgiving or other Holiday feast and not feel guilty. Why would you feel guilty? Have I not already taught you how to make better food choices? Well, this year I can...
I viewed a rant online a few days ago and the topic was “Why do people switch from gym to gym, trainer to trainer, or program to program.” I thought about giving these people the answer but then I realized they wouldn’t understand it no matter how many times I...
If you’ve spent time looking for information about how to make fat loss faster and easier, there’s a good chance you’ve read about interval training. If so, you might have seen claims that interval training is “nine times” more effective...
What does it mean? I could tell you, but you might not believe me. But guess what…now because of an amazing thing called Google you can find out why many of the large big box gym chains and most personal trainers do not want you to know about “progressive...