Jan 28, 2015 | Aerobic Fitness, General Fitness
When I meet people who are searching for a fitness club, especially this time of the year, and they want to get started on a weight loss program, the biggest thing I suggest is to KISS IT…Keep It Simple, Stupid. I know, it’s a great thing that people want...
Jan 6, 2015 | General Fitness
What can I say about 2014…Am I glad it’s over? Not really; I made a ton of progress on some of my life goals. The years between 2010 and 2012 were so bad for me that I even let it affect my health (but only a little.)I quickly dialed my missteps back in...
Nov 26, 2014 | Aerobic Fitness, General Fitness
OK gang, it’s that time of the year again and you are wondering what you can do to enjoy your Thanksgiving or other Holiday feast and not feel guilty. Why would you feel guilty? Have I not already taught you how to make better food choices? Well, this year I can...
Oct 24, 2014 | General Fitness
In this automated world when you think we would be more educated it seems we are so far from it. Have you ever heard of the term “If you ink it, you think it?” Well, you get what you ask for. Modern-day media has changed EVERYTHING lately and I’m not sure it’s for the...
Jul 18, 2014 | Aerobic Fitness, General Fitness
I viewed a rant online a few days ago and the topic was “Why do people switch from gym to gym, trainer to trainer, or program to program.” I thought about giving these people the answer but then I realized they wouldn’t understand it no matter how many times I...